Absolutely! By using noninvasive approaches to sexual wellness, Dr. Keller has helped men regain their confidence in the bedroom. Specific sexual health benefits that men have gained with our non-surgical treatments are:
- Increased libido
- Improved erections
- Enhanced sexual performance
- Improved blood supply to the penis
Sexual dysfunction is any problem that prevent a person or couple from experiencing satisfaction from sexual activity.
Approximately 31% of men report some degree of sexual dysfunction in their lifetime, however this increases with age.
No longer having an interest in sex or having less interest than you used to have can be improved with Hormone Replacement
Therapy. The inability to achieve or maintain an erection suitable for intercourse is termed as erectile dysfunction can
actually be improved with the P Shot combined with Shockwave treatments, but also with Emsella treatments for urinary incontinence.
At LiveAgelessly we offer several non-surgical treatment options for men experiencing sexual health issues, however we
are making incredible discoveries about the sexual benefits gained from Emsella treatments. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy with testosterone certainly can help some men improve their sex drive and this can lead to better better sexual function.
Using low intensity shock wave treatments on the penis along with the P-Shot is another way to non-surgically improve blood
flow to the penis. The non-invasive nature of low intensity shock wave improves the blood supply to the penis and when
used in combination with platelet rich plasma (P-Shot®) the combination therapy can be a win win for men with sexual
The Emsella® chair treatment helps to improve pelvic floor function and often corrects urinary incontinence issues related to weakened pelvic floor muscles. One of the other benefits is that the noninvasive electromagnetic pulses can improve the
blood supply to the penis. So not only does it help to stop urinary leakage and awakening during the night to urinate, but
it also can improve erections. Again a win win benefit form noninvasive electromagnetic pelvic floor stimulation. A great
benefit from sitting on the chair.
Causes of sexual dysfunction can be treated Non-surgically. When the causes of sexual dysfunction are related to a loss of
blood flow, we offer some amazing non invasive treatment options. The benefits are definitely improved with stress
reduction and a healthy lifestyle physically and mentally. Get treatment for sexual health issues. Click here and let us know how we can help you. Dr. Keller will do a free consultation to discuss any of her non-surgical, non hormonal treatment options.