EMsella® was FDA approved to treat incontinence in men and women. It is a non-invasive treatment which involves sitting on the EMsella® chair. The technology of EMsella® uses electromagnetic energy pulses (one of the oldest treatment modalities) to cause contractions in the pelvic floor muscles, resulting in greater neuromuscular control of the pelvic muscles.
Men may see improvement in bladder control allowing them to sleep all night long and hold their bladder longer, thus it may help with urinary incontinence. Improvement in urinary stream is also a possible benefit for annoying dribbling of urine.
It may improve erectile dysfunction by increasing blood supply to the penis, leading to morning wood.
Improved strength of orgasms occurs for many men and possibly helping prevent or improving premature ejaculation by strengthening the pelvic floor.
There is no downtime needed after each session, and normal activities can be resumed immediately. Most men will require 6 sessions about a week apart.